man ckbko


  ckbko  - check backout copy of file in [../]backout|old


  ckbko  -options file[s]


  Checks  for  the existence of a backout copy of the specified files within the old,
  ../old, backout, ../backout, or specified directory.  The backout copy must have  a
  *.YYYYMMDD[.HHMM] date[.time] stamp.


  -diff  Use diff to compare with latest backout.

         Use "sdiff -s" to compare with latest backout.

  -Sdiff Use sdiff to compare with latest backout.

  -tabs  Use sdiff -s -t to compare.

  -brief Use sdiff --with 80 -t -s to compare.

  -x     Use sdiff with dynamic (longest line) --width.

  -w length
         Use sdiff --width specified-length.

  -quiet Do not report Ok.

         Compare against an older backout, e.g., -2 for 2nd newest.

  -i mask
         With wildcard files mask to ignore via egrep, defaults as " _.|~$".

  -l directory
         Specify backout location.

  -u     Use export UAK_BKO=directory backout location.

  -p     Use /backout.push with sudo implied.

  -sudo  Re-invoke with sudo (when used should be first option specified).

  -Debug Debu option enabling set -x.

         Show command version.

  -*     Any other option displays usage infomation.


   b1n6: ckbko ckbko mkbko df-h
   *** OldBackout: ./old/ckbko.20030215
   *** OldBackout: ./old/mkbko.20030215
   *** OldBackout: ./old/df-h.20031217


  Written  at  the  University  of Alaska Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC).
  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to


  Commands: mkbko(1).