man cksumnode


  cksumnode  - check file sums between systems (two or more systems)




  Issue  bsd  sum (via uals) on two or more systems for side-by-side (sdiff) compari-
  son.  Optionally comapre other fields in additional to sum.


  -d list
         Compare directories, defaults as current directory contents.

  -b directory
         Base directory on second host, defaults as current local directory.

  -l directory
         Base directory on first host, defaults as current local directory.

  -1|-f first
          First host to compare, defaults as current node.

  -2|-o second
          Other host[s] to compare (space separated enclosed in quotes).

  -e filter
          Exclude filter, defaults as "backout|old".

  -c command
          Use [r|s|kr]sh command, defaults as "ssh -q".

  -y fields
          Specify additional uals --fields for comparison.
          Useful fields are o(wner), g(roup), m(ode).
          There is no parsing of the specified fields, so it is possible  to  include
         additional uals options, e.g., -y "E -e%Y%M%D".

          Do NOT use bsd sum for comparison.
          If other fields are not specified with -y only the filenames are compared.

          Use root (sudo).

          Use sdiff without -s.


  Compare current directoy on dispatch with ogman:

   dispatch: cksumnode -d $PWD -2 ogman

   # dispatch:/usr/local/ids/sbin |  # ogman:/usr/local/ids/sbin
   23152 Ids.RSH                  <
   62459 Ids.Remote               <
   04780 k5getpol.ksh             |  24417 k5login_check.ksh
   12822 k5getprinc.ksh           <
   60626 k5login_check.ksh        <

  Above shows extra files on dispatch and mis-matched sum on k5login_check.ksh.


  Compare curent directory on ogman with dispatch and boot:

   ogman: cksumnode -2 "dispatch boot"

   # ogman:/usr/local/pkg/push/bin | # dispatch:/usr/local/pkg/push/bin

   # ogman:/usr/local/pkg/push/bin | # boot:/usr/local/pkg/push/bin

  Above shows all files are idenical for all three hosts.


  Compare group and modify date betwwen ogman and dispatch:

   ogman: cksumnode -r -y "gE -e%Y%m%d" -2 dispatch

   # ogman:/usr/local/push/bin     | # dispatch:/usr/local/pkg/push/bin
   crayman 20081018 chk_sanity.ksh | sunman 20081018 chk_sanity.ksh
   crayman 20081115 cmp_sanity.ksh | sunman 20081115 cmp_sanity.ksh
   crayman 20080514 edwords        | sunman 20080514 edwords
   crayman 20080429 mush           | sunman 20080514 mush
   crayman 20081017 push           | sunman 20081003 push
   crayman 19990525 push_unset     | sunman 19990525 push_unset

  Above shows different groups and/or modifiy dates.


  Written  at  the  University  of Alaska Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC).
  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to


  Commands: sdiff(1),sum(1),uals(1).