man df-h


  df-h  - generic wrapped "df" for any Unix (obsolete for Linux)


  df-h   -options file[s]


  Wrap  "df  -k"  to provide a platform independent df display.  Filesystem sizes are
  displayed as M,G,T to be more human readable.


  -gpfs  Exclude GPFS filesystems (AIX).

         Exclude Lustre filesystems (Linux).

  -nfs   Include NFS filesystems.

  -all   Do not filter off "uninteresting" filesystems.

  -quiet Do not display header lines.

  -size  Display size only (no use, available, upct).


   iceberg1: df-h -n
   #Filesystem    type  Size   use  avail upct Mounted_on
   /dev/gpfsa     AIX 11.6T  2.9T  8.8T   25% /gpfsa
   /dev/gpfsb     AIX  2.9T  1.4G  2.9T    1% /gpfsb
   /dev/gpfsc     AIX  5.8T  1.8G  5.8T    1% /gpfsc
   /dev/gpfsu     AIX  136G  8.9G  127G    7% /gpfsu
   /dev/hd1       AIX  256M    8M  247M    4% /home
   /dev/hd10opt   AIX  256M  125M  130M   50% /opt
   /dev/hd2       AIX  4.0G  2.3G  1.7G   58% /usr
   /dev/hd3       AIX  512M  212M  299M   42% /tmp
   /dev/hd4       AIX  256M   50M  205M   20% /
   /dev/hd9var    AIX  1.0G  255M  768M   25% /var
   /dev/lv00      AIX  256M    9M  246M    4% /var/adm/csd
   /dev/maillv    AIX  768M   26M  741M    4% /export/mail
   /dev/scratchlv AIX 20.0G 10.5G  9.5G   53% /scratch
   /dev/sni_lv    AIX  256M   53M  202M   21% /var/adm/sni
   b1i6:          nfs  100G  2.7G 97.3G    3% /import/arsc
   b1i6:          nfs  432G 41.6G  390G   10% /import/jfs285
   b1i6:          nfs 25.0G  4.8G 20.2G   20% /import/usrlocal
   csmberg:       nfs  1.0G  306M  717M   30% /import/localadm
   seanfs:        nfs  4.7T  3.7T  980G   80% /import/archive
   seanfs:        nfs  340G  185G  155G   55% /import/projects
   seanfs:        nfs  100G 49.7G 50.3G   50% /import/support
   #Totals:       AIX 26.2T  6.9T 19.3T   26%


  Written at the University of Alaska.  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali
  Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to


  Commands: df(1).