man rpmchk


  rpmchk - compare "rpm -qa" or --qf files


  rpmchk [-options] [-filters]


  The rpmchk command compares "rpm -qa" or "rpm -qa --qf" files.

  Files look something like (with "rpm -qa" output):
    # Linux ... x86_64

  The first line "host entry" is optional, seed files with:
   print "# `uname -a`" > file
   rpm -qa              >>file

  If  the  file(s)  are not seeded the host name is extracted from the filename using
  first dot delimited field not 'rpm' or 'txt'.

  The recommended command for linux is:
    rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n" >`uname -n`.txt

  This adds the ARCH field beyond generic 'rpm -qa' which is  useful  if  the  system
  supports both i386 and x86_64.


  -files file1[,file2...]
         Input  "rpm  -qa" listings, comma or white-space separated.  If not provided
         then will be prompted for file names.  The following  three  variations  all
         accomplish the same thing:
           ls *.qa | ./rpmchk -match
           rpmchk -f "`ls *.qa`" -match
           rpmchk -f,, -match

  -qf format
         Identify "rpm --queryformat" used.  The first character of format optionally
         specifies field delimeter, default is space.

         Recognized fields and associated "rpm --querytags":
           N for NAME
           V for VERSION
           R for RELEASE
           E for EPOCH
           S for SERIAL
           B for BUILDTIME
           O for OS
           A for ARCH
           X to ignore a field (some other tag)
          any other characters are ignored

           rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}:%{VERSION}:%{ARCH}\n"

           rpmchk -qf :NVA

         A default "rpm -qa" is like:
           rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n"

         which can be problematic as NAME may contain dashes.

         Default parsing assumes last field is RELEASE, next to last  field  is  VER-
         SION,  and  everything  else is NAME.  If somebody codes a "-" in VERSION or
         RELEASE, well, that is unkind.


  -Type version1[,version2...]
         OS types to report (requires "uname -a" lines).

  +Type version1[,version2...]
         OS types to exclude.

  -Version OS1[,OS2...]
         OS versions to report (requires "uname -a" lines).

  +Version OS1[,OS2...]
         OS versions to exlcude.

  -Arch arch1[,arch2...]
         Linux architectures to report (requires "uname -a" lines).

  +Arch arch1[,arch2...]
         Linux architectures to exclude.

  -host host1[,host2...]
         Host name(s) to report.

  +host host1[,host2...]
         Host name(s) to exclude.

  Note, the type, version, and architecture criteria are and-ed while host is or-ed.


  -name package1[,package2...]
         Package name(s) to report.

  +name package1[,package2...]
         Package name(s) to exclude.

  -parch arch1[,arch2...]
         Package architectures to report.

  +parch arch1[,arch2...]
         Package architectures to exclude.

  -OS os1[,os2...]
         Package OSs to report.

  +OS os1[,os2...]
         Package OSs to exclude.

         Ignore VERSION and RELEASE for matching packages.

         Ignore RELEASE for matching packages.

         Ignore EPOCH for matching packages.

         Ignore SERIAL for matching packages.

         Ignore BUILDTIME for matching packages.

  +os!!o Ignore OS for matching packages.

         Ignore ARCH for matching packages.


  -match Matched hosts (package/version/... on all hosts) not reported.

         No space between host columns.  If display width exceeds 131 characters then
         -single will be default.

  -count Display number of hosts with RPM and first matching host instead of the host

  -list count
         Display up to count nodes missing rpm. Use 0 for all.

  +list count
         Display up to count node missing rpm. Use 0 for all.

  -xName value
         Specify a maximum NAME length to display.  Defaults as 20 and field  maximum
         is 64.

  -xVer value
         Specify a maximum VERSION length to display.  Defaults as 12 and field maxi-
         mum is 64.

  -xRel value
         Specify a maximum RELEASE length to display.  Defaults as 12 and field maxi-
         mum is 64.

  -xEpo value
         Specify  a maximum EPOCH length to display.  Defaults as 8 and field maximum
         is 16.

  -xSer value
         Specify a maximum SERIAL length to display.  Defaults as 8 and field maximum
         is 16.

  -xBui value
         Specify  a  maximum  BUILDTIME  length to display.  Defaults as 12 and field
         maximum is 16.

  -xOS  value
         Specify a maximum OS length to display.  Defaults as 8 and field maximum  is

  -xArc value
         Specify  a  maximum ARCH length to display.  Defaults as 8 and field maximum
         is 16.

  -output output-file
         To specify output file, defaults to stdout.

  -debug Debugging information.

         Verbose option to display filters.

          Display terse help message.


  Show non-matching package/version from "rpm -qa" files:

   #b b b :    3 hosts
   #1 1 e :   58 total packages
   #n n r :
   #1 2 g :
   #    m :
   #    a :
   #    n :Name         Version
    - i i :AIX-rpm
    i - - :AIX-rpm
    - - i :atk          1.4.0
    - - i :cdrecord     1.9
    - - i :conserver    8.1.7
    - - i :expat-devel  1.95.7
    - - i :fontconfig   2.2.2
    - - i :freetype2    2.1.7
    - - i :gettext      0.10.40
    - - i :glib         1.2.10
    - - i :glib2        2.2.3
    - - i :gtk+         1.2.10
    - - i :gtk2         2.2.4
    - - i :libjpeg      6b
    - - i :libpng       1.2.1
    - - i :libtiff      3.6.1
    - - i :mkisofs      1.13
    - - i :openCIMOM    0.8
    - - i :pango        1.2.5
    - i i :tk           8.3.3
    i - - :tk           8.3.4
    - - i :xft          0.0
    - - i :xrender      0.0
    - - i :zlib         1.2.2
   # 34 of 58 packages installed on all 3 hosts

  Using files generated by (on a cluster of 400+ nodes):

   $ pdsh -g all 'print "# `uname -a`" >`hostname`.qf'
   $ pdsh -g all \
     'rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\n" >>`hostname`.qf'

  Reporting with various filters:

   $ rpmchk -qf NV -f "`ls *.qf_mid`" -match -Ver "2.6.9" \
       +host mn1sm,mpbs* +name sun-symon*
   #Linux x86_64 2.6.9-55.0.9.EL_lustre.1
   #m m m m m m m m :    8 hosts
   #l l l l l l m m : 1470 total packages
   #u u u u u u d d :
   #s s s s s s s s :
   #t t t t t t 1 2 :
   #r r r r r r     :
   #e e e e e e     :
   #1 2 3 4 5 6     :Name                 Version
    i i i i i i - - :TWeagent             7.1
    i - - - - - - - :kernel-source        2.6.9
    i - - - - - - - :lustre-autoconf      2.57
    i - - - - - - - :lustre-automake      1.7.8
    i - - - - - - - :lustre-source        1.4.7
    i - - - - - - - :lustre-source
    i i i i i i - - :mvSatalinux-2.6.9-55 3.6.3_2
    i i i i i i - - :n1sm-linux-agent     1
    - - - - - - i i :scli                 1.06.16
   # 1461 of 1470 packages installed on all 8 hosts

  Report matching host count and first matching node:

   $ ls mt*.qf_mid | rpmchk -qf NV -match -count
   #Linux x86_64 2.6.5-7.276-smp-hdmb-pap
   #          :  358 hosts
   #          :  637 total packages
   #    First :Name                 Version
      1 mt350 :TWeagent             7.1
    354 mt001 :base-mgmt-client     3.0
     71 mt261 :base-mgmt-grid       2.2
     71 mt261 :base-mgmt-inventory  1.0
      4 mt253 :dhcpcd               1.3.22pl4
    354 mt001 :heartbeat            1.2.3
    298 mt001 :herd                 1.6
     62 mt069 :mcelog               0.2
    354 mt001 :n1sm-linux-agent     1
   # 628 of 637 packages installed on all 358 hosts

  Report up to 3 matching nodes:

   $ ls mg*.qf_mid |
     rpmchk -qf NV -match +h mg56,mg57 +l 3
   #Linux x86_64 2.6.5-7.276-smp-hdmb-pap
   #:   55 hosts
   #:  636 total packages
   #:Name                 Version     : 55:Matched_On
   #:base-mgmt-client     3.0         : 54:
    :base-mgmt-grid       2.2         :  3:mg08 mg22 mg55
    :base-mgmt-inventory  1.0         :  3:mg08 mg22 mg55
   #:heartbeat            1.2.3       : 54:
    :libapr0              2.0.49      :  1:mg45
   #:libapr0              2.0.59      : 54:
    :mcelog               0.2         :  3:mg22 mg39 mg55
   #:n1sm-linux-agent     1           : 54:
   # 628 of 636 packages installed on all 55 hosts

  Report up to 3 missing nodes:

   $ ls mg*.qf_mid |
     rpmchk -qf NV -match +h mg56,mg57 -l 3
   #Linux x86_64 2.6.5-7.276-smp-hdmb-pap
   #:   55 hosts
   #:  636 total packages
   #:Name                 Version     : 55:Missing_On
    :base-mgmt-client     3.0         :  1:mg52
   #:base-mgmt-grid       2.2         : 52:
   #:base-mgmt-inventory  1.0         : 52:
    :heartbeat            1.2.3       :  1:mg52
   #:libapr0              2.0.49      : 54:
    :libapr0              2.0.59      :  1:mg45
   #:mcelog               0.2         : 52:
    :n1sm-linux-agent     1           :  1:mg52
   # 628 of 636 packages installed on all 55 hosts


  This command utilizes the cci command parser utilized by non-UNIX operating systems
  instead  of  the  traditional  UNIX getopt() parsing.  Options have been defined to
  "look like" UNIX style options, but can be spelled out  or  generally  abbreviated.
  For  example  -o  is the same as -output.  Because of this multiple options must be
  space separated and the hyphen is part of the option name.  Also  because  of  this
  order of options is irrelevant.


  Written  at  the  University  of Alaska Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC).
  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to