man uakce


  uakce - Simple (very) file column editor


  uakce  -ACTION [input-file]
          [-output filename] [-verbose] [-quiet] [-trail]


  The uakce command is a very simple file editor based primarily on column positions.
  Exactly one action can be provided, but results can be  piped  into  another  uakce
  command.  If an input-file is not specified then stdin is assumed.

ACTIONS (exactly one can be specified)

  -keep left,right
          Keep only specified columns.

  -remove left,right
          Remove specified columns.

  -fold left,right
          Fold lines longer than right at last white space after left.

  -add after,string
          Add string after specified column.

  -edit left,right,string
          Replace specified columns with string.

          Replace any cr (return) with lf (linefeed).
          Same as "-E \\015 -R \\012".

          Use dos/windows *.txt crlf line termination instead of Linux lf.

  -Edit string
          Use with -Result to perform a binary edit (non-column).
          Requires -Output file specification.
          Use  \ (backslash) for specifying ascii characters as octal values or stan-
         dard-C escape sequences.  Typically two  backslashes  will  be  required  as
         first  is an escape for the invoking shell.  This action is useful for edit-
         ting files which contain long lines, ascii nulls, or  which cannot generally
         be opened with most editors.

  -copy left,right,after
          Copy columns to new location.

  -move left,right,after
          Move columns to new location.

  -duplicate left,right
          Duplicate specified columns.

  -newline after-nth
          Insert newline after everth nth line.

  -join after-nth
          Remove newline after every nth line.

          Remove ctrl/h and preceeding character.

          Uppercase anything outside ' or ".

          Lowercase anything outside ' or ".

          Expands tabs to spaces.
          Uses defaults unless -stops specified.

  -stops [char][,value[...]]
          Specify tab character (default is ascii tab).
          Specify tab stops, default stops are:


  -output filename
          To specify output file, defaults to stdout.

          Verbose option to display settings.

          Do not query for missing values.

          Do not strip off trailing white space.
          Must be fully spelled out.

  -Result string
          Specify result string for -Edit action.

          Display terse help message.


  Insert a tab before every line:

   java: uaio -m2 # before
   971101.165405 Sleep:1 Iterations:0
      Total      rz0      rz1     cpu
    kbs tps  kbs tps  kbs tps  us ni sy wa id
     25   2    .   .    .   .   5  1  9  0 86
   java: uaio -m2 | uakce -a0,"  "
          971101.165420 Sleep:1 Iterations:0
             Total      rz0      rz1     cpu
           kbs tps  kbs tps  kbs tps  us ni sy wa id
            25   2    .   .    .   .   5  1  9  0 86

  Removing columns:

   java: vmstat 1 5 | uakce -r22,68
   Virtual Memory Statis
     procs    memory     cpu
     r  w  u  act  free  us  sy  id
     5291 16   12K 1074   5   9  86
     3293 16   12K  962   3  39  57
     4292 16   12K  962   7  22  71
     3293 16   12K  962   3  21  76
     3293 16   12K  962   3  21  76

  Binary edit (not column oriented):

   java: ./uakce -E \\101dd -R add Changes.log -o x -verbos

   Action -Edit on file Changes.log
     Output: x
   Replace "\101dd" (3:Add) with "add" (3:add)

   File Changes.log had 1 blocks (4096 bytes) and 2776 bytes, 3 substitutions


  uakce has been tested under IBM/MVS, VAX/VMS, Ultrix, Digital UNIX (OSF1 or Tru64),
  IRIX, UNICOS, Solaris, Linux, MacOSX, and Windows cygwin.

  This command utilizes the cci command parser utilized by non-UNIX operating systems
  instead  of  the  traditional UNIX getopt() parsing.  Actions and options have been
  defined to "look like" UNIX style options, but can  be  spelled  out  or  generally
  abbreviated.   For  example  -o  is  the same as -output.  Because of this multiple
  options must be space separated and the hyphen is part of the  option  name.   Also
  because of this order of options and arguments is irrelevant.


  Written at the University of Alaska.  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali
  Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to


  Commands: awk(1), sed(1), ed(1).