man uaklogin


  uaklogin - Reports login terminal and process information


  uaklogin -options


  The uaklogin command reports terminal information from the utmp or wtmp files, ter-
  minal access (read) and modify (write) times obtained from the terminal device spe-
  cial  file (such as /dev/tty*), and optionally process tree information from a "ps"
  variant (various UNIX and Linux).

  This began as a utility to dump the contents of the utmp or wtmp files  which  grew
  to include options to select or filter specific information.  When reading the utmp
  file, terminal access (keyboard input) and modify (terminal output) times are  also
  displayed  and  options and filters also exist for displaying process tree informa-
  tion.  The uaklogin command provides in a single command  the  ability  to  display
  terminal and process information often gathered through a combination of finger and
  multiple ps commands.  Because of the volume of information displayed, a 132 column
  screen is effectively required.

ACTIONS (only one may be specified)

          Utilize  the  utmp file.  This is the default.  Where availabe (IRIX, etc.)
         the extended utmpx file format is used.  Process tree  display  and  command
         filters are applicable only with the utmp file.

          Utilize the wtmp file.

          Utilize both the utmp and wtmp files.

  -files filename[s]
          To  specify  an  input  filename(s) which must be in ?tmp format.  Multiple
         files can be white space (in quotes) or comma separated.

          For IRIX (sgi), use utmp|wtmp file and utmp record format
          instead of default extended utmpx format and files.

OPTIONS (general)

  -length length
          Specify maximum usename length, default  is  maximum  fround  from  "ps  -o
          Names longer than 32 will be displayed as numeric by ps.

          To  generate headers compatable with scyld "bpstat -P".  This implies +Utmp
         and defaults as -p1.

          To include a process tree of matching  records.   Can  only  be  used  with
         -utmp.   Implies  -User  if  no  record  type filter was specified.  The -ps
         option is implied with -comm, +comm, -Parents, -pid or =pid.

          To includes parent and ancestor processes.  Implies -ps.

          To generate stdout lines in format "pid # user # tname # idle  time"  which
         can  be  piped into an xargs kill or into ua_killer.ksh.  Written to stdout,
         use -output to isolate off the logging output.

          To skip utmp record display, this option is really only pertinent with -pid
         or =pid options, you might as well use a "ps -p list".

  -output filename
          To specify an output file (other than stdout).

  -binary filename
          To specify a binary output file for selected records.

          To include display of command options and some debugging information.

          To include additional debugging information with ps.

  -Width characters
          To specify line width, default 132 maximum 512 characters.

  -Replay filename
          To replay captured ps output.

  -res options
          To specify alternate or additional resource options to ps.  For example: -r

  +res options
         Add options to platform defaults, such as '+r wchan:12'.

          To ignore utmp or wtmp files and only report ps entries.

  -?     Display terse help message.

OPTIONS (filters)

  If multiple filter options are specified the result is a logical "and".

  -pid pid1[,pid2...]
          To display tree of a specific pid.  Implies -Parents.  Cannot be used  with
         -line because will set line to that of pid.  If pid does not correspond to a
         terminal the proces tree is displayed regardless of any other filter  crite-

  =pid pid1[,pid2...]
          To display particular pid(s) without complete tree(s).

  =ppid ppid1[,ppid2...]
          To display particular ppid(s) without complete tree(s).

  -idle minutes
          To  select  only utmp entries where the corresponding /dev/tty* access time
         (keyboard input) is greater than the specified number of minutes.

  -newer time|date
          To select records newer than specified:
            deltaX from current, where X is:
              s seconds
              m minutes
              h hours
              d days
              w weeks
              y years

  -older time|date
          To select records older than specified (see above).

  -name user1[,user2...]
          To select one or more users to report on.

  -userid user1[,user2...]
          To select one or more users to report on, alias of -name.

  +name user1[,user2...]
          To exclude specific users.

  +userid user1[,user2...]
          To exclude specific users, alias of +name.

  -line tty1[,tty2...]
          To select one or more terminal names to report on.
          The * and ? wildcards can be used.

  +line tty1[,tty2...]
          To exclude specific terminal names.

  -command command1[,command2...]
          To select one or more commands to report on.  The * and ? wildcards can  be
         used.   Implies  the -ps option and will report the process tree if the com-
         mand is found anywhere in the tree.  The command string includes any options
         (up  to  64  bytes)  so  an  implied wildcard is added to the specified com-
         mand(s).  A leading * may be required if the command was invoked  with  full
         path.  Leading wildcards require the command string be enclosed in quotes.

  +command command1[,command2...]
          To exclude specific commands.

OPTIONS (record type)

  With -ps or any option which implies -ps, the default is -User if nothing is speci-
  fied.  Otherwise, the default is -All record types.  Any specifications  of  record
  type are logically or-d.

          To select only user records.

          To select only "dead" records.

          To select only login records.

          To select only "other" records (e.g., boot, run-level, etc.).

          To select all record types.


  Note,  terminal  access  time  reflects  keyboard  input  and  terminal modify time
  reflects output to terminal.  Prior to the pid display is a  digit  indicating  the
  level  of the process in the tree from init.  In the case of non-terminal processes
  the level is displayed as negative numbers.

  Standard format:
   iceberg2: uaklogin -u abennett
   # 2006-05-17@13:55:15

  With the -ps option:
   iceberg2: uaklogin -p 708794
   # 2006-05-17@13:57:10
   #    pid  ppid user  ELAPSED      TIME |__Command__
    0     1     0 root 22:12:08  00:00:14 |/etc/init
   -1 20976     1 root 22:11:46  00:00:00 |/usr/sbin/srcmstr
   -2 28936 20976 root 22:11:36  00:00:02 |/usr/sbin/inetd
   -3 72422 28936 root 04:17:46  00:00:01 |klogind -c5He
   -4 78794 72422 root 04:17:45  00:00:00 |login -p -h arctur
   -5 85330 78794 kcar 04:17:45  00:00:01 |-ksh
   -6 83880 85330 kcar    00:00  00:00:00 |uaklogin -p 708794
   -7 92762 83880 kcar    00:00  00:00:00 |ps -A -o tty,user,


  uaklogin has been tested under a variety of UNIX and Linux implementations.

  uaklogin exits:
   0   if any records displayed
   1   if no matching records
   2+  if any error in command syntax

  uaklogin  utilizes  the  cci  command parser utilized by non-UNIX operating systems
  instead of the traditional UNIX getopt() parsing.  Actions and  options  have  been
  defined  to  "look like" UNIX style options, but can be spelled out or abbreviated.
  For example "-n" is the same as "-name".  Because of this, multiple options must be
  space separated and the hyphen is part of the option name.

  The -ps option to generate process tree information utilizes an internally piped ps
  command in the format similar to (varies by UNIX flavor):
    ps -A -o user,pid,ppid,etime,cputime,pcpu,args

  which is internally parsed.  On a system with thousands of processes, this can make
  execution slow like a "ps -ef" command, have patience.

  On  IRIX 6.2 "ps -A" returns tty name in the form of pts/* instead of tty* returned
  by a "ps" (without -A) and as retained in the utmp file.  Because of that, uaklogin
  on  __sgi  systems matches -pid requests against the userid instead of tty name and
  does a secondary match against the pid.  The IRIX 6.2 utmpxname()|getutxent() func-
  tions  are  broken, getutxsgi() is provided as a replacement... see the comments in
  the routine.

  On Macintosh OSX the utmp record format is rather bare (no record type and no  pid)
  so all record types are unknown.


  Written at the University of Alaska.  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali
  Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to

  Concepts for constructing the process tree information were  obtained  from  pstree
  v1.4 provided by Fred Hucht (hal6000.Uni-Duisburg.DE).

  The  re-written pstree code is available as a function for other applications, look
  at uaps_get() within the distribution.


  Files: utmp(4), wtmp(4), utmpx(4), wtmpx(4).

         ps(1), finger(1), uakpacct(1), uaps(1), last(1).