man uakpacct


  uakpacct - Filtered reporting of pacct* | Spacct* | nqacct* files


  uakpacct -options


  The  uakpacct command provides a formatted dump of UNIX accounting files with vari-
  ous filtering options to select specific information.  Filtering options include:

    by userid or group;
    by command name;
    by tty name (in hex);
    by pid, ppi, or job id (on supported platforms);
    by duration;
    by cpu, block rw, or character io used;
    by cpu vs. elapsed threshhold rates;
    by maximum average memory;
    by minor or major faults or swaps (Linux);
    by accounting flag or termination signal;
    by start or end time and date.

  The uakpacct command is similar to the UNIX acctcom command (and others), but  with
  enhanced filtering and with source available for customization.

  Many people consider the UNIX accounting files as useful only for resource account-
  ing information (e.g., chargeback).  However, when  you  consider  that  there  are
  entries  for  any  process  termination including start time, elapse time, resource
  consumption, SUID execution, and abnormal termination  the accounting files can  be
  an excellent tool for problem determination.

OPTIONS (general)

  -file file(s)
          Files  to  report  from, defaults to /var/account/pacct for Linux.  Delimit
         multiple filenames with a space (in quotes) or a comma.

  -binary binary-output-file

  -output report-output-file

          Quiet option (no headers displayed).

          Verbose option.

          Summarize by username.

          Summarize by group and username.

          Summarize by command, group, and username.

OPTIONS (reporting)

  The default report format is -short.  There  are  several  pre-defined  formats  or
  -report can be used to select which fields to display.

          Produce short report, same as "-r short".
          Fields includ: user, command, flag, exit, cpu.
          Both start/end time is display as "-r human".

          Identical  to  -short but includes "-r rate -R 1" to report processes which
         consume greater than 1% of CPU over their elapsed time.

          Product long report, same as "-r long".
          Additional fields include: group, tty, ucpu,  scpu,  ela,  cio,  blo,  mem,
         date, time, -hum, -cpu.

          Event  report,  same as "-r event".  Writes two lines per record with a hex
         record sequence number.  First record has start  time  and  second  has  end
         time.   Output can be sorted for an approximate event log.  However, because
         the start time has resolution only to  one  second,  sorting  is  inaccurate
         unless  record  order  is  maintained  on matching times (file is originally
         ordered by process end).

  -length length
          Specify length of user and group names.  Defaults as 8 characters, if 0  is
         specified  it  will float longer than 8.  When used with summary reporting 0
         floats all fields with no added white space.

          Do lookup gid->group.
          By default group is display as gid which is faster.

          Do not lookup uid->userid.
          By default userid is looked up, this option is faster.

          Use blanks with repeated date, user, or group.
          This makes a report more readable and is the default for -short.

          Do not blank repeated date, user, or group.
          This makes a report more parsable and is the default for -long.

  -FS characters
          Specify report field separators.
          By default -short uses a space and -long uses a colon.
          Three characters can be specified for fields, time, and date.
          Time defaults to colon and date defaults to slash.
          Time will default to period if colon is specfied for fields.
          Date will default to dash if slash is specified for fields.

  -report field[,field...]
          Specify report fields.
          Use "uakpacct -v -r?" for current list of field.
          Single fields in order of display:

         seq :event sequence number

         etime :event time

         human :end and start date and time

         date :start date

         time :start time

         start :start date and time

         end :end time

         user :username or uid

         group :group or gid

         jid|job :jobid or jid (Cray)

         apid :applicatoin id (Cray X1)

         pid :pid (Cray|Linux v3)

         ppid :ppid (Cray|Linux v3)

         tty :terminal id (hex)

         command :command executed

         flag :exit flags

         signal|exit :signal (negative) or exit code

         wlm :wlm class (AIX)

         WLM|key :wlm key (hex, AIX)

         ucpu :user cpu time

         scpu :system cpu time

         cpu :total cpu time

         elapse :elapsed time

         rate :cpu/elapsed percentage

         minflt :minor faults (Linux)

         majflt :major faults (Linux)

         swaps :swaps (Linux)

         chario|cio :character IO

         blockrw|brw :block read/writes

         memory :average memory

         himem :high memory (Cray)

  In addition to individual report fields, report types or multi-field aliases can be
  used.   When  a report type is specified it will null any existing field specifica-

  General reports and multiple fields:

         short :default short report

         mgmt :report with -Rate 1

         long :long report

         event :event report

         80 :archaic report format (old -80)

         none :clear all fields

         umk :long with Unicos/mk (Cray T3E) fields

         unicos :long with Unicos (Cray) fields

         ids :adds user, command, flag, signal

         Memory :adds minflt, majflt, swaps (Linux)

         stats :add ucpu, scpu, elapse, cio, brw, memory

OPTIONS (filtering)

  The following options can be used to filter which records are display.

  -user user|uid[,user|uid...]
          To select user(s) to report.

  +user user|uid[,user|uid...]
          To exclude user(s).

  -group group|gid[,group|gid...]
          To select group(s) to report.

  +group group|gid[,group|gid...]
          To exclude group(s).

  -command command[,command...]
          To select command(s) to report.

         Only eight characters of commands are preserved in acct files on many  plat-
         forms.   Wildcards are permitted when specifying command names, you may need
         to specify with an escape depending on your shell.

  +command command[,command...]
          To exclude command(s).

  -tty tty[,tty...]
          To select tty name(s) to report (in hex).

         Each sepecified tty should be 8 hex digits  or  wildcarded.   A  tty  of  -1
         (ffffffff) is used by most platforms for non-terminal processes.

  +tty tty[,tty...]
          To exclude tty(s).

  -jobid jobid[,jobid...]
          Select records matching jobid (Cray).

  -pid  pid[,pid...]
          Select records matchin pid or ppid where supported (Cray|Linux v3).

          Specify minimum number of commands, implies -s_user.

  -elapsed time
          Elapsed time to report.

         Default is seconds, can specify as N.Nm(inute), N.Nh(our), N.Nd(ay).

         User cpu time to report (default in seconds).

  -cpu time
          Total cpu time to report (default in seconds).

  -CPU time
          System cpu time to report (default in seconds).

  -cio chario
          Character IO to report.

         Can specify as N.Nk|K|m|M|g|G, where k=1000, K=1024 (etc.).

  -Rate pct
          To specify a threshhold rate of CPU usage.

         The  cpu  seconds  are divided by the elapsed seconds to determine the rate.
         This filter is useful for identifying processes  which  consumed  more  than
         their  fair share of CPU resources.  Under -mgmt the default value for -Rate
         is 1% of cpu resources.

  -brw blocks
          Blocks read/written to report, specified as with -cio.

  -memory K-bytes
          Average memory to report.

         Default as K-bytes, can specify N.Nm|M|g|G.

         Note, some platforms do not represent average memory.  For example, both AIX
         and Irix only increment the value for system not user cpu time.  In the fol-
         lowing examples "usemem -b 100 -i 1 -max 110 [-r]" was used:

         aix: uakpacct -c  usemem  -r  none,ucp,scp,ela,mem  UserCPU:SYS_CPU:Elapsed:
         Avg.Mem: -------:-------:-------: -------:
            0.8s:   0.2s:  27.1s:  93.19M:
            0.0s:   0.3s:  26.3s:  55.66M:

         Actual  average memory used was 105m, with "usemem -r" it is closer due to a
         higher proportion of user vs. system CPU time, but it is still significantly
         off.  This is a "feature" not a "bug".

  -minflt faults
          Minor faults (Linux) to report, spacified as with -cio.

  -majflt faults
          Major faults (Linux) to report, spacified as with -cio.

  -swaps faults
          Swaps (Linux) to report, spacified as with -cio.

  -aflag flag
          Record flag (octal mask) to report.

         Reference system /usr/include/sys/acct.h file, typical:
           AFORK   0001  has executed fork, but no exec
           ASU     0002  used super-user privileges
           ACOMPAT 0004  used compatibility mode
           ACORE   0010  dumped core
           AXSIG   0020  killed by a signal
           ACCTF   0300  record type: 00 = acct

  -signal signal
          Signal termination to report.

         This masks off the lower 8 bits of ac_stat (see acct.h) for comparison.  See
         signal.h for a definition of signal meanings.  Where supported,  AXSIG  must
         be set in ac_flag.

  +signal signal
          Signal terminate to exclude.

         Use "+signal 0" to report all processes terminated by a signal.

  -exit exitcode
          Exit code (masks off 8 bits) to report.

         Where supported, AXSIG must NOT be set in ac_flag.

  +exit exitcode
          Exit code (non-zero) to exclude.

         By default will include signal terminations, also use "-signal 0" to exclude
         signal terminations.

  -sa [date.]time | -sa [date@]time

         Select records starting after time.  Date defaults to first date in account-
         ing file.  Format can be:

         If hours, minutes, or seconds are omitted defaults to 0.

         A  negative  value  indicates  before  current  time, for -days will default
         hours, minutes and seconds as 0.  Parsing is same as with the  ua_date  com-

  -sb [date.]time | -sb [date@]time

         Select  records  starting  before  time.   Date  defaults  to  first date in
         accounting file.

         See -sa for format.

         If hours, minutes, or seconds are omitted defaults to 0.

         Use "-sa 08:00 +sb 08:15" to select all processes starting between 08:00 and

  -ea [date.]time | -ea [date@]time

         Select records ending after time.  Date defaults to first date in accounting

         See -sa for format.

         If hours, minutes, or seconds are omitted defaults to 0.

  -eb [date.]time | -eb [date@]time

         Select records ending before time.  Date defaults to first date in  account-
         ing file.

         See -sa for format.

         If  hours,  minutes,  or  seconds  are omitted defaults to 23:59:59 (respec-

  -at time

         Select records starting or ending within the specified start|end  dates  and
         times.  This option is used to try and identify child processes with parents
         since accounting records for most flavors of UNIX  and  Linux  prior  to  v3
         accounting  do  not maintain pid and ppid information.  Only -sa and -eb can
         be used with -at.


         Typically different filters are logically and-ed, this changes behaviour  to
         a  logical  or-ing.   In  other  words,  if any non-time filter successfully
         matches the record is selected.  The -or is applied to time filters but only
         against time filters.  With other filters such as:
          "-or -uid 7167 -gid 15" if either filter matches the record is selected.


  Default display, selecting a userid and start time:

   iceberg2: date; uname -a
   Sun Nov 26 07:21:51 AST 2006
   AIX iceberg2 2 5 00203FDA4C00
   iceberg2: uakpacct -u kcarlson -sa 7:21

  A  -mgmt  management style report requesting all processes which consumed more than
  15 minutes (900 seconds) of CPU from the entire day of pacct* files:

   glacier: uakpacct -cpu 900 -f "`ls /var/adm/pacct*`" -mgmt

  From the example above, we might determine what jnblb was doing in  Oracle.   Since
  children  tend  to start or end at the same time as their parents, by filtering for
  processes within 30 seconds we can get a clue as to what was being  executed  under

   glacier: uakpacct -f /var/adm/pacct6 -m -r 0 \
     -eb 10:42:03 -sa 08:45:06 -at 30

  The  user  was executing RPBVLDT program which may need modifications to more effi-
  ciently execute.  Note, for the management style report it was necessary  to  over-
  ride the default "-rate 1" to find this.

  Show all root processes killed via a signal, also changing the time display to just
  end time:

   iceberg2: uakpacct +sig 0 +u root -r -human,+end
    Ended:Userid  :Command :Flg:Exit:   CPU :
   000101:adm     :cat     :020: -13:   0.0s:
   041809:simonson:ksh     :020: -24:   0.0s:
   041809:        :rsync   :020: -24: 745.2s:
   041810:        :rsync   :021: -24:   1.0s:
   041809:        :csh     :020: -24:   0.0s:
   041810:        :rsync   :021: -24:1115.8s:
   065055:carnsoil:grep    :020:  -2:   0.0s:

  Using sys/signal.h, simonson received SIGXCPU, carnsoil generated a SIGINT, and adm
  generated a SIGPIPE.

  Requesting only specific report fields and a particular command:

   iceberg2: uakpacct -c sleep \
    -r none,user,command,start,elapsed
   #   Date Time  :Userid  :Command     :Elapsed:
   20061126@013049:sysmon  :sleep       :  15.0s:
   20061126@013113:sysmon  :sleep       :  15.0s:
   20061126@041810:simonson:sleep       :  15.0s:
   20061126@052403:carnsoil:sleep       :  15.0s:

  Produce a summary report by user:

   n82: uakpacct -f pacct-20110922 -s_user
   #User       Count ElaHours  UserCpu   SysCpu cpuHours
   root        16702     0.88     0.00     0.00     0.00
   martinso     1189   212.38   142.97     5.41   148.37
   sysmon          3     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00
   #Total      17894   213.26   142.97     5.41   148.37


  uakpacct has been tested under a variety of UNIX and Linux implementations.

  uakpacct  utilizes  the  cci  command parser utilized by non-UNIX operating systems
  instead of the traditional UNIX getopt() parsing.  Actions and  options  have  been
  defined  to  "look like" UNIX style options, but can be spelled out or abbreviated.
  For example -u is the same as -user.  In some cases options must be  fully  spelled
  out.   Because  of this, multiple options must be space separated and the hyphen is
  part of the option name.

  Macintosh OSX acct structure does not have ac_brw or ac_stat.  The lack of  ac_stat
  means no exit status is available.

  Linux  has  at least three pacct file formats.  The v2 and v3 are newer and identi-
  fied by ac_version in the record structure.  Older Linux/GNU, like  SLES  9.3,  are
  referred  to as v0.  With no ac_version to test, uakpacct checks first record for a
  0 ac_version which is really the uid in v0.  Since first record is  typically  acc-
  ton,  this works.  Alternative is to ensure uakpacct is compiled with an older (v0)
  acct.h.  With the test above a v3 compiled uakpacct can read v0 or v2 files.  As of
  v3 Linux kernel is still not writing IO values to pacct records.

  Summary  reporting (-s_user, -s_group, -s_command, -n) honors the -cpU, -cpu, -CPU,
  and -elapsed minimums as totals.  Other filters  are  applied  to  individual  pro-
  cesses.  If -length is specified it applies to all values and 0 makes all float.

  Because  the  accounting information is very useful for problem isolation, the UNIX
  default behaviour of disposing of the pacct*->Spacct* files each night is not  rec-
  ommended.   For  Digital  UNIX the following change will retain Spacct* files for a
  week which is typically long enough to make a weekly backup cycle:

   nugget: diff /usr/sbin/runacct /usr/local/sbin/runacct_ua
   > #961209 kac cp sbin/runacct /usr/local/sbin/runacct_ua
   > #961209 kac use "find -mtime +8" for rm of Spacct* files
   < rm -f ${_adm}/Spacct*.${_date}
   > #     rm -f ${_adm}/Spacct*.${_date}
   > find ${_adm}/Spacct*.* -mtime +8 -exec rm -f {} \;
   > #


  Written at the University of Alaska.  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali
  Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to


  Files: sys/acct.h(4).

         acctcom(1), uaklogin(1).


  IRIX:  sat_interpret(1M).

  DU:    audit_tool(8).

  Linux: /usr/sbin/dump-acct --help